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Meet our Team: Liam Toms

Liam Toms, Communications & Engagement Manager
Joined our team: 3rd September 2015

What does your role at Grapevine involve?

Liam: “I manage all of our marketing activity and brand communications. I also collaborate with our clients to help them introduce a strategic approach to their own marketing and communications.”

What key piece of advice would you give to our clients about their technology and communications?​

Liam: “Perhaps the biggest challenge that small to medium sized businesses face with marketing is knowing where to start. The answer is your audience. Even on a shoestring budget there’s plenty you can do to further your understanding of their needs and behaviours. These insights will spell out a marketing strategy.”

What might our clients not know about you?

Liam: “I’ve been collecting Pez dispensers for almost twenty years and now have almost 1,000 in my collection.”